In American History
Anticommunism If cold war foreign policy manifested itself in mutual hostility between East and West, the nuclear arms race, and a commi...
Abortion signs Beginning with the prolonged campaign to outlaw abortion led by members of the American Medical Association in the 1860s...
African Americans
African Americans Conspiracy theory, urban legend, and rumor have played an important role in African American culture from its beginni...
Agent Orange
Agent Orange A herbicide used as part of the of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam’s (MACV) 1962– 1970 defoliation campaign i...
In the last twenty years, one of the most well-known, enduring, and highly contentious conspiracy theories has surrounded the emergence o...
Alien and Sedition Acts
Alien and Sedition Acts Part of the most serious crackdown on peacetime dissent in U.S. history, mounted amid the most threatening cris...
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